Sunday, June 19, 2011

Casa Morfo

This morning I checked out of the hostel and got on a bus to Cobano, where I got a cab to Brian and Kristin's rental house in Montezuma.  It's called Casa Morfo, and it's aptly named. Little yellow butterflies flutter all over the shrubs around the house, along with a few hummingbirds.  It's a really nice little house with a spa-sized pool and a deck.  The best part about it is the view, which overlooks the Pacific:

I spent nearly an hour just looking out that direction in awe of how cool it is that I'm here. Sometimes I think about cutting the trip short and heading home sooner than planned, but then times like these come along and I realize what a great opportunity I have being here.

Another awesome thing about the house: washing machine. I've been putting off doing my laundry for a while, and my clothes bag started to smell a little like death. I nearly had to suck it up and wash my undies in the sink. Not anymore. Thanks, Casa Morfo.

We headed into town just before sundown and went grocery shopping. Montezuma is really small, but it has a nice feel to it, not run down or sketchy. It started to rain a bit so we called a cab to take us back up into the hills to make dinner. I was the chef tonight, on the menu was pad thai.  It was pretty good for having only what ingredients I could find at the corner market in town. We played cards afterwards and I taught Kristin how to play poker, using frosted flakes as chips. Tomorrow I guess we'll hike around a bit, but for the most part I think this will be the lazy part of the trip. It's too nice here at the house to do anything but sit in the pool and enjoy the view.

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